What I learnt from Honey-Bee?

What I learnt from Honey-Bee?
I believe that learning doesn’t depend on a teacher, it all depends on a learner.
If you are a good learner then you can learn from everything. I believe to enjoy and follow the same spirit.
This time, I want to share, “What I learnt from Honey-Bee?
First of all, If you observe the workstyle and life of a honey-bee. You will find that every morning, they go flower to flower and suck the juice of the flower and if their body needs that juice, they absorb it and even if they don’t want, they pick that and store it in their house, called hive.
So that, whenever they need that juice in future, they can take it from their hive only.
Now, How and What we can learn from it?
We human being must have the same nature. We should listen and take everyone’s view like the flower’s juice. If we need it just absorb it and if you don’t, then store that view, that thought, that suggestion of others in your house, called brain.
You can apply this formula from now. If you like my views then just absorb it and start  Learning from Everything and even if you disagree then just hold the view in your mind and whenever you need, just apply it.


  1. Nice explanation about honey bee....
    And ur golden line...."learning from everything.....from infant also".......it's an awesome line.

    For respecting ur golden line i wanna to add one quote.......
    "We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives...
    Some lessons are painful,some are painless...
    But, all are priceless"


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